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You're Unique - So Are Your Health Needs

Your doctor may have advised you to make lifestyle changes to improve your health. Or maybe you decided to start living healthier on your own. In any case, Congratulations! You've already taken the first step!

Nutrition Counseling

You don't have to be miserable to get healthy. A well-balanced,  nutritious diet doesn't have to be a punishment. You can eat smart AND enjoy it too... And I would love to show you how!
Individualized Meal Plans
Smarter Food Choices
Understanding Nutrition Labels
Dietitian Nutritionist Alka with patient

Medical Conditions

A well-balanced diet is an essential part of managing your medical condition and key to healthy living.
Obesity  |  Diabetes  |  Heart Disease 
High Cholestrol | Gluten Sensitivity
Kidney Disease  |  Digestive Disorder
Other Chronic Conditions

South Asian Specialty

For those who prefer South Asian cuisine, my cultural roots and expertise can help you incorporate South Asian diet that is rich in both flavor and nutrition.
Nutritious Recipes  |  Healthy Cooking
Vegetarian  |  Vegan
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